
We are a specialized company!

Certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001

Meisterbrief.jpgInternational certification in accordance with ISO 9001. DIN EN ISO 9001 is a standard from the entire DIN EN ISO 9000 series. It is a globally recognized standard that defines requirements for effective quality management in a company. Responsibilities, structures and work processes are regulated and documented in a clear and transparent way in process and process instructions.

The QM documentation provides information about the quality policy, goals and function of a company. The ISO 9001 standard only specifies a specific framework, and the requirements are individually implemented by each company depending on the sector and focus of activity.

Logo_9001-2008-klein.jpgCertification: If the certification committee confirms the certification process, you will receive a certificate for the certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 as well as the certification mark of CERTQUA, with which you can advertise your media for your organization. The CERTQUA certificate for QM systems according to ISO 9001 is valid for three years from the date of issue.

Quality Association Building Services - the sign of competence in the building cleaning trade

LOGO-Qualittsverbund-Gebudedienste-quer-300x128.jpgQuality Association Building Services is a merger of certified master craftsmen.

We have recognized that the long-term success of our companies depends on balancing economic, social and environmental interests. The balance between these factors creates the identification of our employees with their operations and ensures that they like to work well and with all their might.

Through sustainable corporate management, we promote not only continuous professional development, but also a resource-saving and employee-motivating approach.We are convinced that if we make the economic and social living conditions in our immediate environment positive, a long-term successful business will be possible in dialogue with clients and employees. Only that justifies the trust of our clients.


Guild proven competence

As a client you expect from your building service provider seriousness and high quality.
But the masterly qualification can no longer be recognized so easily since the change in the craft code in 2004. Since the building cleaning trade is license-free, anyone can register in the craft role - without proof of competence.

Clients whose building cleaning service providers carry the certificate Quality Assurance Building Services can be sure that they have a competent and sustainability-oriented partner. After all, the QV-certified companies have had their master's qualification tested in the building cleaning trade, are sustainably oriented and continue to develop themselves.
In tenders, it is recognized proof of the required qualifications "master or comparable" and "continuous training".

The building cleaning service providers - Guild Hessen

Guild Hessen - building cleaning craft

Gebaudereiniger-Handwerk-Innung-371x114.jpgWith a workforce of around 600,000, the building cleaning trade is the most employable craft in Germany. Building cleaners have developed in recent decades to building service providers, in addition to the core service "building cleaning" still offer many other services, such as. Janitorial services, green area maintenance, security services, catering, winter services and much more.

The individual support is geared to all company-specific problem areas. The office is staffed by a lawyer. Above all, the area of education and training is also supervised; Examinations are organized and the vocational school visit is arranged. The guild is in direct contact with all relevant bodies.
Advice including:

  • Legal advice: Collective agreements, employment law, contract law, etc.
  • Training advice and organization / acceptance of journeyman examinations
  • Operational consulting on cleaning technology, occupational safety, environmental protection, environmental and quality management, HACCP (food hygiene), industry software, etc.
  • Support in authority matters and handling of correspondence in disputes with authorities, health insurances, the professional association and other institutions (for example, hygiene regulations, wastewater treatment, dangerous goods transport and storage regulations, occupational safety)
  • Customer Tariff information writing with Raise Percentage
  • Seminars and courses - external journeyman course, master class, object leader and foreman course, disinfectant course, seminars on staff instruction, cleaning technology, hygiene and legislation and much more

Chamber of Crafts Frankfurt am Main

Member of the Chamber of Crafts can only be a master company.

Handwerkskammer-Frankfurt-Rhein-Main-477x80.jpgThe basic tasks of the Chamber of Crafts include: leadership of the craft role and the apprentice role. Regulation and advice within vocational training.

These include above all the leadership of the crafting role and the directories gem. Annexes B1 and B2 of the Crafts Code, the appointment and swearing in of experts, the regulation and supervision of vocational training, the performance of the apprenticeship role and the organization of examinations, the setting up of dispute resolution centers between craftsmen and their customers and supervision of guilds and Circle of the handcrafts.

Latest modification: 29.11.2019